Finally, create a brand that screams you and sells with consistent, elevated visuals

Internationally-renowned Stylist and Creative Director Sandra Chau pulls back the curtain on her signature visual brand storytelling method

…the kind that give you the confidence to command your dream price, pursue new opportunities, and share your Instagram handle (because you’re finally proud of the way your brand looks!).


“OMG, I LOVE following this brand—ignore their Instagram feed . . . okay, and their website photos . . . oh, and those headshots are kinda not great . . . but besides all that, I think they’re PERFECT for you!”

^^^ Said *probably* no successful word-of-mouth referral ever. ^^^

Because clients/customers always want to get an insight about what they're investing in. And right now? Your visual direction is a little … well, let’s just say it went on that European inspo trip and got lost between the lavender fields and Barcelona coast.

You were told that magical brand shoot would fix everything. But you never really learned how to call the shoots on the overall visual strategy of your brand.

And now you’re itching to increase your prices (you’re DEFINITELY worth it), but one glance at your visual brand and you know your discerning dream won’t exactly stop dead in her tracks... won't connect with them.

Plus, let’s face it: you’ve already run through the images from your last brand shoot (you know, the magical one). And you shouldn't feel like you have to replace images from your brand every year. Or schedule a new shoot every 6 months because you're out of images.

So here you are, picking an image to share on Insta like photo gallery roulette—

Spin, scroll, click, sigh. I guess that’ll do. *post*

(I mean, how else do you decide between 27 photos of ONE SINGLE FRIGGIN' BOUQUET?)

Let's be honest: it's a visually-driven world, hun.

And you can have the best product, be the most kick-ass service provider, have bomb website copy, AND the most heart-felt captions ...

… but if your imagery isn't making them stop their scroll and stay put—they'll never even see you.

Yet 90% of information is communicated VISUALLY.

And in 2024 (and beyond!), your image-driven buyers are creeping on your photos—there’s no doubt.

But listen, no amount of stock photo subscription, hodge-podge collection from 13 different shoots, or all-over-the-place portfolio is gonna sugarcoat the truth: feeling insecure about your brand’s aesthetic kinda sucks.

But you know what’s worse?

Clicking around on Instagram and spying some industry newbie (okay fine, competitor) absolutely SLAYING it with her brand’s thoughtful suite of droolworthy images that just feel like them. Maybe you have the experience … but yup, she’s got the styled, scroll-stopping look—there’s no denying it.

And you want so BADLY to tick up your price point just a bit … but it feels a little wrong—

But lately, it feels like you've hit a roadblock.

(A totally learnable skill)
By becoming your brand’s own creative director, that’s how.
How do you break from the never-ending content creation hangover—constantly feeling like you missed a shot or could’ve done something better, you ask? 
I create high-level visuals for businesses so they can tell their brand story in a strategic ways that leads to huge profits through photos and video.

And shhh—here’s a secret: Styling isn't one of those things you just have—or don't.

Back in my days as a lawyer, I used to think all this couldn't be taught.

I was a far-cry from what you're seeing now. No matter how much I spent on props or used those "golden light" hours, things looked ... awkward. 

So I studied. I learned patterns. And I figured it out. I learned to style.

I realised it was about strategy and developed a method. 

And if …

... you're starting to add brand shoots to your list of services.

… or you’re shelling out big bucks for a brand shoot—but don’t know how do you get the "look" you want out of your head, and into to the photographer's head

… or if you just don’t think it’s practical to hire a stylist every time you need images for your feed (spoiler: it isn’t)

Then stick around, friend. Because that’s exactly what I’m here for.

I’m pulling back the curtain on the exact method I've developed over 10+ years' experience directing and styling campaigns for tons of luxury brands all over the world – brands like Plann, Naked Lab, SOL Loungewear, Tea Nomad, and Mishku Studio – and giving it to you.

Hi, I’m Sandra Chau
Now before we dig into strategy, there’s something you need to understand.

Your audience doesn't just want to see the final product.

They want the process.

They want to see your hands dirty.

They want to see behind-the-scenes.

They want you.

And nailing your brand images is how you show them that.

Would YOU keep buying from (or even following!) a brand if they kept posting the same images over and over again?

Probably not. 

Which is why you’ve GOT to spend time learning how the job’s done.

I know—styling your own work may give you heart palpitations. Even if you're thinking "I'm NO creative director, Sandra,” I'll show you how you CAN do this. You CAN translate your story and vision into a shoot for yourself or your clients.

(Oh, and if you do it well, In a few years time, you'll still be able to use images you take. Yup, I said it. I mean, can you imagine what that would be like, to have your visual brand strategy dialled in that well?)

Like I said, styling and strategy IS a learnable skill.

the Branding Shoot Method®

The A-to-Z blueprint for creative service providers and product businesses, for capturing the attention of the right clients and customers and command more sales with consistent, elevated visual brand — all in a 5 module, self-paced course, complete with styling video demonstrations, bite-sized lessons, templates and worksheets.

This is my my results-oriented visual storytelling system that's been put to the test by hundreds of creatives worldwide who've gone on to book their highest-paying clients, sell out their product collections, land magazine features, and collaborate with luxury brands (Dior and YSL ring a bell?)

Now, I'm handing over everything I've used to help them get there... to you.

That's why I created an artful, uncomplicated method for creatives who are ready to nail a curated, consistent brand image that commands their (dream) price point. 


If you've tried your best to create a visual presence for your brand, but still have that "I've got NO idea what I'm doing" sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach and just wish an expert could tell you EXACTLY what to do…


If you feel fairly good about your brand but keep missing out on dream clients and customers and know you could flip this script if you just had the tools to make your brand that little bit more elevated, a little bit more you.

You need an uncomplicated system to follow.

One that draws on the exact method I've developed over 10+ years' experience directing and styling campaigns for luxury brands all over the world – brands like Plann, Naked Lab, SOL Loungewear, Tea Nomad, and Mishku Studio.

Here's the thing. . .

Let's be honest: it's not practical to hire a stylist every time you need content for your feed. 

That's why inside the Branding Shoot Method, you'll get the very path I take my clients on—the path that takes them from crickets to getting enquiries within weeks of putting their learnings into action AND then BOOKING their IDEAL clients within months.

And this is even before they’ve put their branding images out into the world!

It doesn't matter how beautiful your product is—

If your styling isn't good, if your photos look awkward, you're doing a disservice to your hard-earned brand.

(And I’m not about that life.)

So let’s join hands and elevate your brand so you can charge what you’re WORTH with killer strategic visuals that feel like you.

i'm ready to elevate my brand

“Sandra's impeccable styling and work ethic make her a leader in the industry. Her biggest gift is her ability to dive into her clients’ vision and dreams and bring them each to life. Truly, a talent. I adore everything she does!”

Darcy Benincosa, Photographer 

“I’ve known and worked very closely with Sandra over the years and I love her artistic and creative direction, concepts and product styling which produces amazing results every time! With her creative perspective of the world and her passion for everything she touches, Sandra pushes the boundaries of what is possible in our industry!”

David, Photographer 

“Sandra has a beautiful eye for design and styling. Her thoughtful design process is evident in her styling, resulting in unique designs and effortless execution.”

Ginny Au, Stylist 

“Sandra has an eye like no other. Working closely with her through the years, I have seen her refine her offering to become what it is today - creative direction that is thoughtfully aligned with each brand, consideration of the individual behind the business, and an easy going nature that will make you feel at ease from the get go. Trust me, you are in good hands!”

Trish, Photographer

Preview the refreshed curriculum for 2024
Chapter 1: Clarify Your Visual Brand
This is the secret sauce inside the Branding Shoot Method™ — how to compose jaw-dropping images that instantly elevate your brand. When you learn how to style using my signature process, you’ll be able to draw on this new skill set time and time again to execute on a brand photoshoot and add tons of show-stopping visuals to your image bank.

  • Learn my exact process for styling beautiful still life imagery by using the principles of composition and mood

  • Get 7 Secrets to Curating a Kick-Ass Styling Kit… including how to get the most bang for your buck as you create your kit, so you don’t blow your budget

  • Discover how to get the most visual content out of your still life set up, so you can make your images work for Instagram, online magazines, and more

  • Watch the Over-My-Shoulder Styling Tutorials where I take you behind-the-scenes of two branding shoot case studies: an inspiration wall shoot I did for a calligrapher and a how to style a corner of your office shoot — you'll see me in action choosing the hero for an image, thinking about surfaces, adding texture, and more

Chapter 2: Styling 101
Discover my proven process for curating a game-changing branding shoot that results in an image bank of hundreds of show-stopping images that elevate your brand. Whether you’re styling your work in your own home or studio or bringing together a shoot to add content to your portfolio, my promise is that you’ll never feel like a photoshoot was a wasted investment ever again.

  • Go behind-the-scenes on several of my shoots to gain insight into my thought process behind creating the images, so you can plan for yours

  • Learn how to create a wide range of evergreen imagery from the one branding shoot, so you can use your photos strategically years down the track on your website, on social media, and in other brand materials

  • Swipe two detailed Sample Brand Shoot Shot Lists from real-life client projects, so you can prepare for your own shoot with ease

  • Learn how to maintain a sense of control throughout the day. Plus, learn the secret tip for capturing on-brand images on the day of your shoot simply by using your phone camera

Chapter 3: Create Your Game-Changing Branding Shoot
Step into the shoes of a creative director, so you can curate, style, and execute your branding shoot (and future shoots) with ease. This allows you to take control of telling your story through your images, because no-one knows your brand better than you.

  • Discover how to create and design a compelling concept for your branding shoot… including my step-by-step process for curating a mood board that clearly communicates your vision

  • Get the 3 crucial steps for bringing together your creative team to execute your game-changing branding shoot… and how to manage your team in the most organised and efficient way — do NOT schedule another brand photo shoot before watching these lessons

  • Swipe my Collaboration Ask Email Template — this is how I've built lasting relationships (and gotten more bang for my buck) with partners on a shoot

  • Learn how to create a day-of schedule, so you can clearly communicate hour-by-hour expectations. Plus, get access to my Day-Of-Shoot Runsheet Template to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Chapter 4: Become Your Brand’s Creative Director

If you want to make sure you present your brand consistently across social media and your website, this Chapter is the answer. You will learn how to strategically use the elevated visuals you have created to communicate your value to clients and customers again and again.  

  • How to pull your visuals together to ultimately build know, like, and trust so that your brand does the selling for you

  • Get my secret to strategically choosing the perfect images from your shoot (and how to cull the photos you don’t need)

  • Discover how to use your images to transform your Instagram feed into a virtual billboard that compels dream clients and customers to say “yes” (this allows you to post intentionally instead of on the fly)

  • Learn 5 easy tweaks to giving your website a facelift using your new images, so visitors know they’re a perfect fit from the moment they land on your home page

  • Swipe the exact approach I teach my clients to get their shoots published (this dramatically increases eyeballs on your brand!) 

  • Learn how to strategically use your visuals on Pinterest to reach more of the right people (and how your Pinterest account can grow your Instagram following!) 

  • Get an insider tutorial from renowned Graphic Designer Mishku Studio on how to easily create impactful graphics and brand collateral using Canva 

Chapter 5: Create a Brand that Sells 

Curate a clear brand identity that has “you” written all over it — so you can become instantly recognisable by your ideal clients and customers even as you share new content or projects over time. This sets the foundation for ultimately having those elevated, consistent images your brand deserves.

  • Discover how to unlock your brand voice, aesthetic, and unique story, so you can translate them into compelling visuals that connect and convert

  • Learn how to define your ideal client and understand the essentials of creating show-stopping imagery that attracts them

It's time to pull back the curtain

Some of our student wins. . .

"Gurlll. I'm just at the introduction, and I've already got some amazing nuggets of information from you. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this. Going to binge it like a hot Netflix show."

Renee, Graphic Designer 


MORE on sandra's magic....

“I have doubled my bookings and even doubled my prices since my branding shoot with Sandra and my calendar is booked out for the rest of 2019!! I feel confident that I can command those high prices because I am worth every penny I charge.”

When I first started my business, I didn’t have a huge portfolio and I knew people wouldn’t take me seriously unless I had good images that really told the story of my brand. Sandra was able to use her personal brand of magic by taking my raw ideas and creating imagery that showed my audience that I was legit and that my business was legit. I’ve already made back my 4 figure investment in my images (and then some!).

Michelle Browne, Mishku Studio


MORE on sandra's magic....

“I have doubled my bookings and even doubled my prices since my branding shoot with Sandra and my calendar is booked out for the rest of 2019!! I feel confident that I can command those high prices because I am worth every penny I charge.”

When I first started my business, I didn’t have a huge portfolio and I knew people wouldn’t take me seriously unless I had good images that really told the story of my brand. Sandra was able to use her personal brand of magic by taking my raw ideas and creating imagery that showed my audience that I was legit and that my business was legit. I’ve already made back my 4 figure investment in my images (and then some!).

Michelle Browne, Mishku Studio

This kind of access is usually only reserved for my 1:1 clients who pay well over $5,000 for my services, but you can get access to me as your personal Visual Brand and Strategy Consultant at no added cost.

If you want my eyes on any part of your creative process (think planning your brand shoot, reviewing your run sheet, brainstorming image ideas, sifting through your images, and more), or you find yourself feeling stuck and need help getting back in momentum, simply book in your 2 x 1:1 calls within 12 months and we’ll make it happen.

So I've curated an exclusive suite of bonuses to fast-track your journey to creating a brand that sells

2 x 1:1 Milestone Calls with Sandra

Never feel alone as you create your elevated brand when you have access to our Private BSM Facebook Community for daily support, audits and feedback.

This is the place where you can submit your work for immediate feedback, get personalised reviews and audits from Sandra (on anything and everything from your shoot ideas to your image collections to your brand's strategy and more!), ask your burning questions, share wins, and find collaborative partners to do shoots with.

12 Months Community Support and Feedback



After guiding hundreds of students through this program over the last 5 years, I know exactly what holds people back and what helps them take serious action

Come behind the scenes with me on 10+ brand shoots, as I take you through the exact method I personally use to create elevated imagery for all kinds of brands

I'll walk you through shoots for product-based businesses like clothing, swimwear, jewellery, handmade products, artists and homewares, and service-based businesses like business coaching, online education, graphic designer, florists, and more!

  • See my step-by-step process in action as I take you through the brief, design, and coordination of a shoot, right through to how it translates into imagery

  • Discover how I create 100+ usable, evergreen images from a single shoot, and glean styling tips and techniques for how you can maximise your own shoot 

Brand Shoot Case Study Series


Glean tips and tricks from some of the best women in biz in virtual-wine-date-style interviews. I've carefully curated a selection for you, including:

- ASHLYN CARTER, COPYWRITER: A deep-dive into the art and science of crafting copy that converts (ahem, the WORDS that come alongside those new beautiful images)

- HALCYON HIVE, PINTEREST STRATEGIST: A how-to on starting a Pinterest strategy that fills your boards with images that generate leads

- MISHKU STUDIO, GRAPHIC DESIGNER: A crash course in how to create a strong brand that allows you to command your dream price and convert more sales

- KATIE O. SELVIDGE, PUBLISHER OF COTTAGE HILL MAGAZINE: A conversation about authenticity on Instagram and her refined outlook on the platform

... and more!

Expert Interview Collection


enrol today and get all the bonuses

See what our BSM alum have to say:

“After completing BSM, I created and released three branded images on my Instagram feed and booked a client at my highest package! That means just three images paid for my BSM investment — twice! It was the best return on investment! I have clients now!”


“Sandra has helped me understand how to craft with intention before I even pick up my camera! She has a gift for getting right to the heart of what a brand or client needs to communicate their message. If you are in the business of creating visual content, BSM is the perfect tool to help you elevate your imagery so you can attract your ideal client and communicate your worth effectively!”


“BSM is hands down one of the best investments I’ve made since starting my business. In just 3 months, I’ve booked 3 wedding clients with my IDEAL clients. whenever I’m thinking about creating images, I refer back to the visual strategy principles I learnt from Sandra and always pull out her templates - INVALUABLE!"


The images from my launch that I created after BSM generated over $1000 in sales in the first week and continue to sell! BSM is one of the best decisions I could have made for the business! It not only really helped to elevate the brand but the community that Sandra built has been invaluable."


"This course was truly an eye opener for me and my business! I built a brand that I’m proud of, that speaks the message I want to convey and has imagery to match. Since the course I have a beautiful website with stunning brand imagery, a lot of happy clients and an article in the paper. I could not have done it without Sandra's course!"

ALINA, calligrapher

"This method has been an absolute game changer for my brand, and worth every cent! I was overthinking and complicating my visuals, when Sandra showed me it was right in front of me and so simple. I love the images I created and I’m now so excited about my business again! I've seen an increase in sales and grown in confidence."


“Sandra has shown me the power of visuals in communicating with other brands because as soon as I implemented her methods of being more intentional with my imagery, I finally stopped getting ghosted by brands and actually started getting noticed!"

lynette, CERAMiCIST

“Since joining BSM, I have achieved more than I ever thought I'd achieve so early on in my business! Sandra gave me the confidence to do a photo shoot and use Instagram more to show up for my brand. Sandra is so supportive and really wants you to achieve your goals. I have learnt so much from BSM and I am so grateful for it!"

CASS, ready made terrariums

"BSM has helped me to express my creativity in a way that truly shows my talent as a brand photographer and a creative director. BSM has also helped me to pay attention to my skill sets and my eye for detail for specific brands. I am now attracting more of those clients that I want to create for, it's like they were waiting for me to show up in this way. SO AMAZING!"

Janelle, brand photographer

If you’re a shop owner who wants to double your sales, sell out your products or get more retailers to carry your line, you need the Branding Shoot Method®.

If you’re a creative service provider who wants visuals that allow your dream clients to instantly see your value and book more dream clients, you need the Branding Shoot Method®.

If you’re a photographer who wants to strategically elevate your portfolio so you can book more dream clients or raise your prices, you need the Branding Shoot Method®.

So, yes, if you are an online creative business owner in any way, shape or form, and you want to finally feel proud of the way your brand looks so you can open the doors to more opportunities, you need the Branding Shoot Method®.

It worked for them, will it work for me?
You'd have Dropbox gallery after Dropbox gallery of curated images you could use for years to come—and an elevated brand that let you up that price point ... and keep doing what you love.

And that's priceless.

What if you learned how to call the shots with a creative director's honed eye? 
6 monthly payments of US$217 US$317 or AU$347 AU$407.

Payment Plan

join now WITH USD

1-Time Pay

join now with USD

join now WITH AUD

join now with aud

(discount automatically applied at checkout).

Together, let's pack your future with a visual brand that screams YOU and commands more sales.

Now, I typically charge $5,000+ to work 1:1 with brands like Plann, Naked Lab, SOL Loungewear, Tea Nomad, Rhapsody in Gold and Mishku Studio (to name a few) to craft imagery that helps them get booked and sell out their collections. But I know it's not practical to hire "me" every time you need photos for your brand.

That's why I've made the Branding Shoot Method® ready for you to access today for less than the price of that iPhone that's on your desk.


Say "yes" to the Branding Shoot Method®


One full payment of US$1197 US$1697 or AU$1897 AU$2397.


MORE on sandra's magic....

“I have doubled my bookings and even doubled my prices since my branding shoot with Sandra and my calendar is booked out for the rest of 2019!! I feel confident that I can command those high prices because I am worth every penny I charge.”

When I first started my business, I didn’t have a huge portfolio and I knew people wouldn’t take me seriously unless I had good images that really told the story of my brand. Sandra was able to use her personal brand of magic by taking my raw ideas and creating imagery that showed my audience that I was legit and that my business was legit. I’ve already made back my 4 figure investment in my images (and then some!).

Michelle Browne, Mishku Studio

That's EXACTLY what happened to Azalea, a calligrapher & designer. After using the Branding Shoot Method® to create a bank of consistent images that elevated her brand, she got noticed by Dior (yes, the Dior) when they were searching for a calligrapher to create their event invites.

And if that wasn't life-changing enough, she's gone on to have some more jaw-drop moments...


What would getting contacted by the likes of Dior mean to you, my creative friend?

"Before BSM, I didn't have any specific style and I was never satisfied with my pictures. After BSM, I saw an 80% increase in enquiries and an increase in following in just a few months. I booked out my first calligraphy workshop and now have a regular on site calligraphing job with 2 major luxury brands, one of which was on my dream client list when I first started my business!”

Azalea, Azalea Calligraphy & Design


You too can increase your enquiries and book high-end clients.

And while Dior may not be front and centre on your vision board, I bet you've got your own list of "instant YES!" clients or customers in mind.

Question is: How many more dream clients or customers do you think would say "yes!" to you if you finally had elevated visuals that communicated the value of your brand?

A whole lot more than ever before?

Truth is, creating show-stopping visuals with the Branding Shoot Method® will not only open up the doors to more of the right clients and customers, it will also allow you to enjoy incredible outcomes like these...

...adding an extra digit or zero to your product or service price, confident that no one's batting an eye at it, because your work and product finally communicates the value you want to charge 

...having confidence in your brand and finally no longer embarrassed about the way your brand looks 

...seeing consistent sales and finally having cash flow for the business.

...pivoting to that new area of work you love and KNOW you're amazing at, because you now have the visual proof to back it up out your calendar for the entire year with dream clients and finally having the freedom to travel, be present with your kids, and do whatever your heart desires

...saying no to projects that don't align with you because you no longer need to take on anything and everything that comes your way just to get cash

Would any of the above benefits change the business game for you?

I think yes.


YES! I'm ready for change

"I booked an onsite brand activation job for YSL! I also got a job with Aesop! They found me on Instagram and really liked my style! These opportunities were only possible because BSM taught me how to shoot images for my brand and create a cohesive aesthetic for my website and social media."

"If you are an entrepreneur looking to excel in your brand imagery, this is THE course for you. BSM is one of the best investments I made for my business. It gave me clarity, direction and confidence. I have observed and felt growth. The photoshoots I have done have brought me several new high-paying clients, unique collaborations, and two major magazine publications."

Pooja, Wood and Ceramic Artist

Michelle, Calligrapher

“BSM is hands down the best online course I’ve ever purchased. While other courses left me thinking, “Did I just get duped?”, Sandra’s course left me thinking, “Did I just win the lottery?! The knowledge I’ve gained from BSM has changed the way I approach my work.”

Renee, Graphic Designer

"BSM was such a rewarding and uplifting experience. It has really helped me take my photography business forward. I have honed in on the aesthetic of my photography, which has led to attracting fabulous clients who love my style and who I love working with! I feel so grateful to Sandra for sharing her knowledge with such passion and caring – she really goes above and beyond!"

Sarah, Photographer

"BSM is phenomenal. I was able to use the material to elevate my portfolio in order to attract my ideal clients and since upgrading my portfolio I have landed my highest paying client ever! I have now incorporated creative direction into my services which allows me to charge more. I now have the confidence and courage to apply my skill set to brands that are looking for more than just a logo, but a story and true visual identity!”

Suzzanne, Graphic Designer

It sure did for these BSM alums. . .

"If someone could help you turn your words and thoughts into beautiful images that really resonates with your audience, it would be Sandra. I have finally been able to grow my brand by targeting the right audience through imagery. Retail stores have been reaching out to me to carry my pieces, I've been featured in countless magazines, and have a upcoming pop up collaboration with Madewell! ! I now have a stable source of income and cash flow for the business. None of this would've have been possible without the cohesive brand I was able to build with BSM."

FRANCE, textile artist and curator

The Branding Shoot Method® includes lifetime access to the 5 game-changing Chapters, exclusive bonuses, private community, and personalised support from internationally-renowned Creative Director and Stylist Sandra Chau.

I've had students start booking new clients and making more sales with their elevated images in just 90 days after joining. I know that you’ll be able to get results in just a few months too.

But of course, if you want to take longer or revisit the program content in the future, you can do that as you have lifetime access.

But as a business owner myself, I know firsthand what it's like to enrol in a program and then forget about it, leaving it to collect dust on the proverbial online course shelf. I don't want this to be another one of those programs for you. Let me clarify: This isn't another one of those programs.


Invest the time to build a brand people can't help but rave about to their friends

Because you wouldn't want something that holds the power to dramatically transform your business to just sit by the wayside, would you? 

I've given you lifetime months access, but because I care about you taking action and getting results... it’s important you actually do the work sooner rather than later. And I’ve made that really easy with digestible bite-sized lessons so you can take action, and start seeing results in a matter of months. 

So, give yourself the time to invest in your brand. And let's see if your brand is not wildly more recognisable, profitable, and professional, all because you took the time to elevate your brand imagery (psst: it will be!).


click here to read the faq's

Got questions, I've got the answers for you

How do I know if this will be worth my investment?

You've read the testimonials and seen what's been possible for other students who took the leap and joined the Branding Shoot Method® ... but now it’s your turn to make a decision. 

I know what it’s like to be a solopreneur where you are wearing so many hats and it feels like you can’t spend time on your visual brand at this stage, but what if you could see the same change in your business as our alums and create a brand that makes you feel confident to shout it out from the rooftops?

I want that for you and I don't want you losing opportunities because of your visual brand.

Remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone.
The areas of your business you procrastinate on are the areas that’ll see the biggest growth! 
If you’re ready to prioritize your visual brand and get set up for consistent sales in 2024, join me inside the Branding Shoot Method®. Let's do it together.

How do I know if this will work for me and my brand?

The Branding Shoot Method® is designed for anyone with a visually-driven online business (whether product or service based), the kind that is always in need of scroll-stopping imagery for social media, website, Pinterest, or other brand platforms.

From graphic designers, floral designers, photographers, calligraphers, makers, artists to business coaches, calligraphers, and other product-based businesses — the Branding Shoot Method® teaches you to create consistent, elevated visuals for YOUR brand. 

If you’re currently in the throes of starting your business, or if you’re already a few years in but still not able to book those dream clients or aren't seeing the sales and bookings you know your brand deserves, this course will show you how to change that.

Couldn’t I just hire someone to do this all for me?

You could, but if you’ve read this far down the page then you’ll know it will set you back a minimum of $15,000+ on a team of experts to create it all for you... and that’s only for one shoot. 

Here’s the thing: creating consistent, elevated brand visuals isn't just something creative directors and stylists should be able to do – it’s something every single brand owner should be able to do for themselves. Becoming your own creative director and stylist allows you to create cohesive brand visuals that truly reflect your brand – because, after all, no one knows your brand as well as you do.

Plus, what does the ability to create new brand imagery at the drop of a hat without having to rely on anyone else really mean to you, my friend? It’s quite literally the difference between having a mish-mash of a brand and a brand that does the selling for you. That’s powerful. 

How long do I get access to the course for?

You get lifetime access to the course materials and 12 months access to the Facebook Group and 12 months to utilise your milestone calls.

Do I need to be a photographer to be successful in this program?

Nope! We have photographers and non photographers alike who take the program.

If you're not a photographer, that's fine, because I will teach you how you can get those awesome images without having pro skills. In fact, you don't even have to take the pictures if you don't want to. I'll give you my proven model on how to work with creative vendors, including photographers, so that you can get the "look" you want out of your head and into their head. 

Plus, I’ll show you how you can create dozens of show-stopping images using just the camera on your phone, so it won’t matter if you don't have a DSLR or a big photoshoot lined up with all the pros – you can get started at home! 

I'm a photographer. Will this help me shoot better for my clients?
YES! I've had photographers use the blueprint from the Branding Shoot Method® to transform their visual strategy into an integrated feed that gets them booked out. The great thing about the blueprint for photographers is that you can apply it to your own creative process to craft more intentional content for your brand and your clients. Just ask BSM student and photographer Sara Weir.

"Applying Sandra’s process to my own has given me new insights that directly affect the content I create for my brand and clients! TheBranding Shoot Method’s process of intentionally crafting images to communicate value and aesthetic even helped me create images to pivot into a new industry!”

What if styling doesn't come naturally to me?

I know — styling your own work or products may give you heart palpitations. Even if you're thinking "I'm NO creative director, Sandra,” I'll show you how you CAN do this.

All you need to do is follow the straightforward method I've already laid out for you, complete with step-by-step guides, bite-sized tutorials, and templates, and you'll be calling the shots with a creative director's honed eye in no time. This will allow you to style with ease so you can translate your vision into a shoot for yourself or your clients time and time again. 

The result? Folders and folders of strategic images you can draw on for years to come — and a consistent, elevated brand that lets you capture the attention of the right clients or customers... command your dream price point... pursue new opportunities... and keep doing what you love.

What if I have another question not listed here?

You can also write to me at or DM me on Insta and I’ll happily answer your questions to see if it's the right fit for you.

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You could keep doing what you're already doing:

  • Opening Instagram to post but ending up spending an hour scrolling through your camera roll because you can’t find a single on-brand image to share 

  • Shying away from sharing the link to your shop because it looks a bit messy and "it's not quite ready yet" when in actual fact it's been live for three years and you're just embarrassed about how your products look

  • Knowing you should be reaching out to new clients but stopping yourself before you press "send" because you have a looming sense of dread that they'll take one glance at your Instagram account and think "she's not legit"

  • Toying with the idea of increasing your prices but deciding against it because you know one glance at your brand won’t exactly stop your discerning dream clients and customers dead in their tracks

You could keep doing all of this. But it isn't really getting you any closer to your sales goals, is it?



It all comes down to this very moment

You could remove the overwhelm and confusion for good and simply join us in the Branding Shoot Method, which will allow you to...

  • Create consistent, elevated visuals that communicate a cohesive brand story (even if you're not a photographer!)

  • Translate your story and vision into a shoot for yourself or your clients.

  • Cut through the internet noise with arresting photos that cause them to double tap ... then click to your website ... and then hit add to cart. Cha-ching! I mean actually make money through your social media!

  • Stretch your creativity by honing an artistic director's eye, being able to work with any image that comes across your desk, instantly knowing how you'll share it with your audience or in your portfolio (or, knowing that it's not a fit)

  • Have a bank of hundreds of beautifully styled images (and know how to create more when you need them

  • Develop a brand that not only screams YOU but one that people can't help but come back to again and again (and rave about to their friends!)

  • Attract and convert new, paying dream clients or sell out your products

  • Have the confidence to command your dream price point because your brand finally looks the part and no longer embarrassed

You've already read the success stories of dozens of creative business owners who've traded trying to do it on their own for a step-by-step proven system — and it's worked out pretty well for them (I don't need to remind you of that).

Question is, will you be next? 


6 monthly payments of US$217 US$317 or AU$347 AU$407.

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One full payment of US$1197 US$1697 or AU$1897 AU$2397.

Get started today!
It's time for them to recognise your value.

How? With consistent, elevated visual brand, of course.

And with an internationally-renowned stylist and creative director by your side? You'll be unstoppable.


It's time to get your dream clients and customers to pay attention to you

I'm ready to make more sales

So, what'll it be?

The choice is yours.


ready to increase your sales in 2024?




MORE on sandra's magic....

“I have doubled my bookings and even doubled my prices since my branding shoot with Sandra and my calendar is booked out for the rest of 2019!! I feel confident that I can command those high prices because I am worth every penny I charge.”

When I first started my business, I didn’t have a huge portfolio and I knew people wouldn’t take me seriously unless I had good images that really told the story of my brand. Sandra was able to use her personal brand of magic by taking my raw ideas and creating imagery that showed my audience that I was legit and that my business was legit. I’ve already made back my 4 figure investment in my images (and then some!).

Michelle Browne, Mishku Studio

YOUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON YOUR OWN EFFORT, MOTIVATION, COMMITMENT AND FOLLOW-THROUGH. WE CANNOT PREDICT AND WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL ATTAIN A PARTICULAR RESULT, AND YOU ACCEPT AND UNDERSTAND THAT RESULTS DIFFER FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL. EACH INDIVIDUAL’S RESULTS DEPEND ON HIS OR HER UNIQUE BACKGROUND, DEDICATION, DESIRE, MOTIVATION, ACTIONS, AND NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS. YOU FULLY AGREE THAT THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES AS TO THE SPECIFIC OUTCOME OR RESULTS YOU CAN EXPECT FROM USING THE INFORMATION YOU RECEIVE ON OR THROUGH THIS WEBSITE OR PRODUCT. When you purchase our product, you understand that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular result or outcome using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented. We make no promises or warranties concerning your likelihood of success, performance, future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth or results of any kind. You understand that with any business endeavour there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.  



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